The Recovery Revolution
* 1950 During this timeframe, NOTROL 12 Step groups start at Federal Prison in Lorton, VA. NOTROL is Lorton spelled backwards. Believe started by former Lexington inmates.
* 1950 HFD - Habit Forming Drug groups began forming around Los Angeles. Usually in conjunction with AA meetings. Also held in homes. Betty Thom does much writing: HFD 12 Step guide and other pieces. Groups are very religious and tied to A.A. Did not consider themselves a fellowship.
* 1952 In his 20th Anniversary speech, Jimmy K. Refers to Addicts Anonymous meetings happening in East L.A. Says these meetings were dominated by one man. This was Is Malos. Other reports of members of this Addicts Anonymous meeting with city officials.
* 1950 to 1953 In New York, Chicago, Virginia, Lexington, Texas and California, individual groups named Addicts Anonymous,Narcotics Anonymous, and HFD were happening. Most of these groups were independent of each other. These were groups, not fellowships. The only common link appears to have been the Salvation Army in New York and Chicago .
A newsletter called The Key circulated around Lorton, Virginia; Lexington, Kentucky; Texas and Los Angeles, California. One of the editors of The Key says they had a mailing list of ninety in 1952.
1953 Jimmy K's reference of July 1953 probably refers to six weeks of discussions ("arguing") held early that summer before any bylaws were written. Jimmy was known in the local AA Fellowship as a recovering alcoholic addict. Many happenstance and "rabbit" meetings were held at his house.
1953 Jimmy attended the third meeting of a recovery group effort started by Jack P. At the request of local police. Is Malos had been at the first two. Jack is a recovering alcoholic and didn't understand the way attendees would nod in and out. Jack had done as much as he knew how to do and wasready to quit. Jack asked Jimmy to help and Jimmy said he would.
1953 August 17 - First documented beginning of what became today's N.A. Frank Carnahan, Doris Carnahan, Guilda Krause, Paul Rosenbluth, Steve Ryan and Jimmy Kinnon met "For the purpose of organizing an AANA group." The name was to be San Fernando Valley Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. 1953 Over the next few months, this committee met regularly. They kept minutes which we have copies of. They drew up bylaws and discussed how this Fellowship would function. From the beginning: 12 Steps 12 Traditions First Step said "Addiction" All Steps had "We"
1953 September 14 - After having received response from AA's GSO that they could adapt the Steps and Traditions but NOT use AA's name - the name was changed to Narcotics Anonymous.
1953 August 31 - Our purpose has been taken from The Key. (read from the Lexington newsletter, The Key.)(read from the first meeting flyer)
1953 October 5 - First recovery meeting of the new Fellowship is held at San Fernando Dad's Club at the corner of Cantara & Clybourn. Seventeen people signed in.
1953 December - By the end of the year, everyone on the committee had resigned, though meetings continued for a little over a yr.
1954 March - Bill Wilson writes to Betty Thom. This letter shows how HFD is independent of N.A.
1954 Little Yellow Booklet first published. Contents included: 20 questions 12 N.A. Steps
Just for Today prayer, different from HFD's Two addresses -
Narcotics Anonymous P.O. Box 1043 Studio City, California
Narcotics Anonymous P.O. Box 13023 So. Eastern Station San Diego, California
There are few surviving copies of this booklet. The practice was to just send one to the printer. The printer would typeset and print. Rubber stamps were used a lot. The San Diego address could have been a rubber stamp on a booklet that was actually copied in the 60's.
1955 Sometime in the period a collection was taken up and Jimmy was sent to Lexington, Kentucky to participate in a seminar.
1954-59 Era of Shriers Dryer. AA or NA meeting based on show of hands. Jimmy did not like nor attend this meeting a lot because it did not follow Traditions. Big personality conflict between Jimmy and Si Malos.
1956 New York - Narcotics Anonymous waned after Danny Carlson's death in 1956.
1959 As the fifties ended - N.A. in Southern California dwindled. No N.A. meetings for about four months in the fall of 1959.
1959-60 late - Jimmy K, Sylvia W. and Penny K. restart N.A. They vow to follow Traditions more closely.
1959 Bob B. first finds N.A. His wife had attended Alanon and met Jimmy's first wife Agnes .
1959-62 Regular meetings on Moorepark on Fridays. Also, rabbit meetings at peoples houses on Tuesdays. Rabbit meetings jumped around a lot
1960 1 meeting.
1960 First N.A. answering service established.
little white Book Pre Draft Jimmy handwriting late1959
1962 First Little White Book published. Had no stories.
1963 First H&I meeting in Tahachapi. Bob B. on inside, attends meeting.
1963 Bob B. out of prison again, attending meetings.
1963 Mid-summer. 4 meetings.
1963 Meetings in San Diego. Don't know if this was a restart or beginning.
1963 Jimmy writes "Another Look"
1963 Salvation Army starts a Narcotics Anonymous in Cleveland, Ohio. Initial newsletter has 13 Steps. Later booklet has 12 AA style Steps (Drugs/We not in each Step) CLEVELAND Group 13 Steps
1964 Board of Trustees formed. Main purpose was to see that N.A. doesn't die again. Remember, in 1960 Jimmy said they'd stick to the Traditions! The role of our Trustees being the guardians of the Traditions comes from this early era: The early experience that if we didn't stick to the Traditions we'd disappear.
1965 Northern California N.A. begins. Silvia M. and two brothers move to Berkley
1966 2nd Little White Book - Had stories.
Who is an Addict Jimmy K. Silvia W. 1960
What is the N.A. Program Jimmy K. & Silvia W. 1960
Why are we Here? Jimmy K. & Silvia W. 1960
How It Works (paragraphs) Jimmy K. 1960
Note: Steps with "Addiction" and WE & the Traditions with the words addict and using written in 1953
What can I do? Jimmy K. 1960
Recovery and Relapse Jimmy K.'s Story 1960 both JK's handwriting .
We do Recover Jimmy K. 1961
One Third of my Life Phil P. 1962
I Can't do any more Time Penny K. 1962
The Vicious Circle Gene 1962
Something Meaningful Bob B. (So. Cal.) 1962
One Woman's Story Betty G.
1966 10 meetings of this Fellowship.
1967 Narcotics Anonymous at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola begins. Publish a newsletter.
1967-68 Parent General Service Organization formed. Began in Bill B.'s barber shop. Much like a Regional Service Committee.
Board of Trustees met with GSR's each month. This was a representative service committee.
1968 Jimmy designed the N.A. symbol. while He was in the hospital .
1969 Two page Service Structure Ideal approved. Later this same year the Parent GSO completed their own bylaws.
1970 20 meetings in the world. One page Steps, Traditions, and Third paragraph of We Do Recover was the standard group reading.
1970 Letter that came with the group starter kit
1970 Letter about the 1st NA World Convention
1971 WCNA-1 LaMirada Country Club. Sylvia M. speaker.
1971 Southern California meeting list. Meetings from Santa Barbara to San Diego.
1971 WSO first location. Yellow building near I-10 and Crenshaw. 2335 Crenshaw Boulevard Bob B. manager ,lived in an apartment in thr building. Store front was WSO.
1972 70 N.A. meetings worldwide. 3 foreign countries, 19 states. Germany -Australia -Bermuda -California - 57 Pennsylvania - 6 Minnesota - 3 New Jersey - 2 New York State - 2 Washington, D.C. - 2
1972 AA tells Jimmy not to use adaptation of "I am Responsible" Prayer. Jimmy writes our N.A. Gratitude Prayer.
1972 WCNA-2 Elks Club, Studio City, No. Hollywood.
1973 San Fernando Valley Area Service Committee forms. Jimmy speaks about a representative service structure. Jimmy reads N.A. Principles of Service from the 2 page Service Structure Ideal of four years previous.
Tradition 5 -Each N.A. Group has but one primary purpose: To carry this message to the addict who still suffers.
Tradition 7 - Every N.A. Group ought to be fully self-supporting.
Tradition 8 - N.A. should remain forever non-professional.
Tradition 9 - Although N.A. as such ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
Tradition 2 - Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern.
Step 12 - We try to carry this message to addicts and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
1973 WCNA-3 San Jose, California
1973 August 18 -20th Anniversary Banquet.
1974 WSO now moved to Highland Avenue, Hollywood. New printing Little White Book.
1974 So. Cal. General Service Office (RSO) established in Los Angeles.
1974 WSO moved to Suicide Prevention Center, Van Nuys, California. Six months later, WSO moves into Jimmy K.'s house until 1982.
1974 WCNA-4 Anaheim, California
1975 Bootleg N.A. "White" booklets printed in Northern California.Covers were green or grey.
1975 WCNA-5 Santa Rosa, California
1975 N.A. Tree first approved and published. This was the first guide to our service structure.
1976 White Book stories changed:
Removed: One Woman's Story
I was Different Greg P. 1976
Fat Addict Bill B. 1976
Fearful Mother Betty K. 1976
1976 "This is N.A." printed in Northern California. One chapter, "Came to Believe" is republished as IP #4. AA notifies Jimmy that the booklet is plagiarized from an AA pamphlet. IP #4 is pulled from circulation and Northern California stops printing the booklet. 1976 1st World Service Conference Minutes - Bob Stone was the Parliamentarian
1976 WCNA-6 Ventura, California.
1976 200 meetings worldwide:California - 83 Arizona - 12 Georgia - 5 Minnesota - 11 Pennsylvania - 16 -Texas - 11
1977 WSO incorporated.
Betty Guess who's name is on that doc along with Jimmy later becomes Betty Kinnon later that yr.
1977 WCNA-7 San Francisco. Second WSC meets. Held in conjuncttion with convention. No representative showed from Northern California. Southern California RSR, Frank D., Venice Beach, California present.Bo meets Greg discussions about writing Our Book
1977 December - Bo's letter: "Guess who bought a typewriter."
1978 April WSC-3 First time separate from WCNA.
1978 WCNA-8 Houston, Texas 1st time it's held outside California ,approx 300 attended
1979 WCNA-9 Atlanta, Georgia aproxamently 400 attended .
1979 October First World Literature Conference, Wichita, Kansas. Developed the Literature Handbook. FLIER 1st WLC -
1980 WSC-5 decided to rewrite the service manual. These drafts are first separation of Board of Trustees and WSO Board of Directors. Service Manual has light blue cover. Literature Handbook proposed and approved by WSC.
1980 September WCNA-10 Wichita, Kansas.
APPEAL Letter written @ the registration deck
1980 September Second World Literature Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. Produced topic outline and cut and pasted input into the outline. HISTORY Of WLC2
1980 First Northern California convention held in Santa Rosa.
1981 February Third World Literature Conference held in Memphis, Tennessee. Nine day conference ran twenty four hours a day. Produced Grey Review form mailed free of charge to every group in the world.
FLIER 3rd WLC Memphis
Grey Review form
1981 April Fourth World Literature Conference in Santa Monica, California. Processed input to the Grey Book. 4th WLC Minutes -
1981 WSC-6 held in Valley College.
1981 July Fifth World Literature Conference held in Warren, Ohio. Weeklong conference held in local school house. First 5 chapters finalized. NEED FLYER JIM or Minutes
1981 September Sixth World Literature Conference held in Miami, Florida.last 5 chapters finalized , Basic Text approved by the World Literature Committee to go out for approval.
Trad 4 with Edits MIAMI
1981 October - Mid-South Regional Service Conference mails out WhiteApproval forms to every group in the world free of charge. approxemently 1100 Were mailed out - Several members stay over to take Service Structure through five drafts published as review form in green cover. First half approved at next WSC. APPROVAL FORM -
1981 1100 meetings in world Australia - 18 Canada - 26 England - 4 Germany - Guam -Ireland -Scotland
1982 February Seventh World Literature Conference held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to prepare stories for review to be added to Basic Text already out for approval.
1980-82 Anonomi cards appear in Literature Movememnt.
1982 WSC-7 approves Basic Text MAY 7th , Narcotics Anonymous for hardback publication.
1983 WSC-8 First Edition Basic Text passed out at Conference & the world convention in New York 62 - 74 Little white Book covers
1985 -
Memorandum from WSO on Jimmy K death
Newspaper article
Psychotherapy ~ Interventions ~ ART ~ Advocate
~ Social Documentary Photography
26 Years Helping Addicts to Get Clean, Find Recovery, and Remain Clean
Help Today is a Call Away - (202) 299.4919
An Addict is one who has good reason to stop, but hasn't.
$2,500 for an intervention, $150 an hour homebased psychotherapy services,
Consultation and Free Professional Advice.
Chris Keeley Washington DC
Addict Out of the Dark and into the Light
Click here to view an excerpt from the book.
Helpline for Orthodox Jews who think they may have an addiction problem:
five early symptoms that indicate a drinker already is an alcohol abuser or is at risk:
1. Repeatedly drinking more than self-set limits.
2. Having a persistent desire to quit or cut down.
3. Drinking and driving.
4. Spending too much time drinking.
5. Having hangovers or a sleep disorder.
Hey Wonderful Person, be Happy Joyous and Free.
If you are an addict ?
You Don't need (have) to S M O K E anything , EAT healthy ,
Don't DRINK any Methadone , Moonshine
or SWALLOW any PROZAC, Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor, (ANTI-depressant) tablets,
SSRI (Selective Serrotonin Reuptake Inhibitors),
Luvox (OCD),
HUFF Anything, Take X
or use any of the new drugs that are being invented everyday,( Anti-Anxiety Drugs,
Anti-Psychotic Drugs, Anti-depressant Drugs, Mood Stabilizing Drugs).
The PDR keeps getting fatter each year,
the answer is
Spiritual not Chemical
TRY GOD (SPIRIT) instead
stay clean and find a new way to live ,
there is hope for any addict.
You are no different,
we can survive our emotions clean together and grow. TRY clean first.
The chances are you are the problem and and total abstinence is the cure. Changes will happen overnight.
Once you are clean and you still can't face life without drugs, then any psychiatrist can load you up with the latest chemical and the viscious cycle will progress to misery, degradation, dereliction, jails , institutions and death. If you keep doing what you are doing, you'll keep getting what you are getting. Help is a call away. (202) 299-4919 . The Last time miracle growth occured on any of these pages was around 3.15.2010
Have a great Day!
And remember God (SPIRIT) Loves You
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