All Photographs + Text Copyright 2025 Christopher Keeley
Dosia, dank and diggy they mean marajuana thats just a little slang from where im from peace and pot - from Hippie Flip which is Ecstacy and Mushrooms,and Candy Flip which is Ecstacy and Acid Zoomers: Individuals who sell fake crack and then flee Blue Smile = the name given when someone using inhalants has their lips turn color from lack of oxygen. texas tea = oil one and one = cocaine and heroin seperatly bagged but in the same balloon valium is like a barbituate but is tranquilizer they are valium Rx diazapin = generic valium pcp =tranquilizer nuggets = kind bud not cracks (crack head) nitris oxide = gas ounce= weight (28.3 grams) percodan =Rx pain killer morphine =Rx pain killer sherms = cigarette dipped in embalming fluid...sometimes crack.. pcp smack = heroin speed = methamphetamine,"Ice" simililar to but not crack synthetic means anything that is not organic matter nickel refers to $5 worth of any drug or $ 50 or $ 500 dime = $10 or $ 100 or $ 1000 20 = $20 yayo = not crack... powder cocaine
Amped-out - fatigue after using amphetamines
Backtrack - allow blood to flow back into the needle during injection
Beedies - cigarette from India (resembles marijuana joints/vehicle for other drugs)
Chipping - using drugs occasionally
Choo choo - inhaling drugs (huffing)
Crankster - person who uses or manufactures methamphetamine
Dime bag - $10 worth of crack
Double ups - a $20 rock that can be broken into two $20 rocks
Eight ball - 1/8 ounce of drugs
Mule - carrier of drugs
Nickel bag - $5 worth of drugs
Quarter bag - $25 worth of drugs
Raspberry - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack
Rave - party designed to enhance a hallucinogenic experience through music and behavior
Rig - equipment used to inject drugs
Skeegers/skeezers - crack-smoking prostitute
Skin popping - injecting drugs under the skin rather than into a vein
Stacking - taking steroids without a prescription
Strawberry - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack
To get roached - under the influence of Rohypnol
Tweaking - drug-induced paranoia; peaking on speed
Uzi - crack pipe
buttons, whites, pille, knopies, mandies, MX, originals, the article, barry whites, wit, vims. Various types of Mandrax new Mandrax, germans, lizards, bandits, blou bulle (or blue bulls), golfsticks, ewings, genuines, knoppies, magwheels, pressouts, bandits, beiruts, wagon wheels, humbles, loss-of-memory, lula, pupumala, four-strokes, strawberries, flowers, shiny tops, flamingos, drunken monkey, mind-benders (Mandrax mixed with heroin). white pipe (dagga mixed with Mandrax and smoked in a broken-off bottleneck), cremora (dagga sprinkled with finely ground Mandrax), double barrel (two crushed Mandrax tablets mixed with dagga). Some of the street names of LSD are the following:
California sunshine
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Mellow yellows
Purple hearts
Big "D"
Brown dots
Slang Term ---------------> Drug Classification
---------- -------------------
Moban ---------------> Barbiturate
Mohasky ---------------> Marijuana
Monoamine Oxidase ---------------> Amphetamine
Monroe ---------------> Narcotic
Moocah ---------------> Marijuana
Moota ---------------> Marijuana
Mooters ---------------> Marijuana
Mootie ---------------> Marijuana
Mor A Grifa ---------------> Marijuana
Morning Glory Seed ---------------> Hallucinogen
Morning Shot ---------------> Amphetamine
Morphine ---------------> Narcotic
Mota ---------------> Marijuana
Mu ---------------> Marijuana
Muggles ---------------> Marijuana
Musarine ---------------> Hallucinogen
Mushrooms ---------------> Hallucinogen
Muta ---------------> Marijuana
Myristicin ---------------> Hallucinogen
Nail ---------------> Marijuana
Nalbuphine HCI ---------------> Narcotic
Neebie ---------------> Barbiturate
Nembutal ---------------> Barbiturate
Nemish ---------------> Barbiturate
Nemmies ---------------> Barbiturate
New Addition ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Nickle ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Nigra ---------------> Marijuana
Nimbies ---------------> Barbiturate
Nimbyy ---------------> Barbiturate
Nineteen ---------------> Amphetamine
Nitrous Oxide ---------------> Inhalant
Noise ---------------> Narcotic
Nose Candy ---------------> Cocaine
Nose Powder ---------------> Cocaine
Nubain ---------------> Narcotic
Nuggets ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Number ---------------> Marijuana
Ololiqui ---------------> Hallucinogen
One & One ---------------> Cocaine
Oochi-Khan ---------------> Narcotic
Opium ---------------> Narcotic
Orange Sunshine ---------------> Hallucinogen
Orange Wedge ---------------> Hallucinogen
Oranges -----------> Amphetamine, Hallucinogen
Ossie's Stuff ---------------> Hallucinogen
Ounce ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Owsley's Acid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Oxymorphone HCI ---------------> Narcotic
Oyster Stew ---------------> Cocaine
Pack a bowl ---------------> Marijuana
Paint Remover ---------------> Inhalant
Panama Gold ---------------> Marijuana
Panatella ---------------> Marijuana
Paper Acid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Paste ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Patica ---------------> Hallucinogen
P.C.P. ---------------> Hallucinogen
Peace ---------------> Hallucinogen
Peace Acid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Peace Pills ---------------> Hallucinogen
Peaches ---------------> Amphetamine
Peanuts ---------------> Barbiturate
Pearly Gates ---------------> Hallucinogen
Pebbles ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Peg ---------------> Narcotic
Pellets ---------------> Hallucinogen
Pentothal Sodium ---------------> Barbiturate
Pep Pills ---------------> Amphetamine
Pepper ---------------> Hallucinogen
Percobarb ---------------> Barbiturate
Percocet ---------------> Narcotic
Percodan ---------------> Narcotic
Peruvian Lady ---------------> Cocaine
Peter ---------------> Barbiturate
Peyote ---------------> Hallucinogen
Phenobarbital ---------------> Barbiturate
Phenos ---------------> Barbiturate
Piece ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Pig ---------------> Hallucinogen
Pile ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Pin ---------------> Marijuana
Pink Lady ---------------> Barbiturate
Pink Wedge ---------------> Hallucinogen
Pinks ---------------> Barbiturate
Piptadenia ---------------> Hallucinogen
Placidyl ---------------> Barbiturate
Pollutants ---------------> Amphetamine
Pony Down ---------------> Narcotic
Poppers ---------------> Inhalant
Pot ---------------> Marijuana
Potlikker ---------------> Marijuana
P.R. (Panama Red) ---------------> Marijuana
Preludin ---------------> Amphetamine
Primo ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Product IV ---------------> Hallucinogen
Psilocybin---------------> Hallucinogen
Psychedelic ---------------> Hallucinogen
Psychedelic Peanut---------------> Hallucinogen
Puff the Dragon ---------------> Marijuana
Purple Barrels ---------------> Hallucinogen
Purple Dome ---------------> Hallucinogen
Purple Dots ---------------> Hallucinogen
Purple Haze ---------------> Hallucinogen
Purple Hearts ---------------> Amphetamine, Barbiturate
Purple Ozoline ---------------> Hallucinogen
Purple Wedge ---------------> Hallucinogen
Quaalude ---------------> Barbiturate
Quarters ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Rainbow ---------------> Barbiturate
Rainy Day Woman ---------------> Marijuana
Raw ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Raw Doggies ---------------> Narcotic
R.D.'s ---------------> Barbiturate
Red and Blue ---------------> Barbiturate
Red Bird ---------------> Barbiturate
Red Bullets ---------------> Barbiturate
Red Devils ---------------> Barbiturate
Red Dirt Marijuana ---------------> Marijuana
Red Dolls ---------------> Barbiturate
Reds ---------------> Barbiturate, Crack Cocaine
Reds & Blues ---------------> Barbiturate
Reefer ---------------> Marijuana
Rest In Peace ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Righteous Bush ---------------> Marijuana
Rip ---------------> Marijuana
Ritalin ---------------> Amphetamine
Roach ---------------> Marijuana
Rock ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Root ---------------> Marijuana
Rope ---------------> Marijuana
Rose Maria ---------------> Marijuana
Roses ---------------> Amphetamine
Rough Stuff ---------------> Marijuana
Rox ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Roxanne ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Roz ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Sacred Mushroom ---------------> Hallucinogen
Salvia Divinorum ---------------> Hallucinogen
Sansert ---------------> Hallucinogen
Santa Claus ---------------> Narcotic
Sativa ---------------> Marijuana
Scag ---------------> Narcotic
Schmeck ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
Schoolcraft ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Scruples ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Seccies ---------------> Barbiturate
Seccy ---------------> Barbiturate
Seco ---------------> Barbiturate
Seconal ---------------> Barbiturate
Seeds ---------------> Marijuana
Seggy ---------------> Barbiturate
Sherms ---------------> Crack Cocaine, Hallucinogen
Shit ---------------> Marijuana
Simple Simon ---------------> Hallucinogen
Sinequan ---------------> Barbiturate
Skag ---------------> Narcotic
Slammin' ---------------> Amphetamine
Slamming ---------------> Amphetamine
Sleepers ---------------> Barbiturate
Sleeping Pills ---------------> Barbiturate
Sleigh ride ---------------> Cocaine
Smack ---------------> Narcotic
Smears ---------------> Hallucinogen
Smeck ---------------> Narcotic
Smoke a bowl ---------------> Marijuana
Smoke Canada ---------------> Marijuana
Snop ---------------> Marijuana
Snow ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
Sopor ---------------> Barbiturate
Spacetabs ---------------> Barbiturate
Sparkle Plenties ---------------> Amphetamine
Speed ---------------> Amphetamine, Crack Cocaine
Speedball ---------------> Cocaine w/ Heroin
Spivias ---------------> Amphetamine
Splash ---------------> Amphetamine
Splits ---------------> Barbiturate
Square Time Bomb ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Squirrels ---------------> Hallucinogen
Stack ---------------> Marijuana
Stanley's Stuff ---------------> Hallucinogen
Star Dust ---------------> Cocaine
Stems ---------------> Marijuana
Stick ---------------> Marijuana
Stone ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Stoney Weed ---------------> Marijuana
Stoppers ---------------> Barbiturate
Strawberry ---------------> Hallucinogen
Strawberry Field ---------------> Hallucinogen
Strawberry Shortcake ---------------> Amphetamine
Studio Fuel ---------------> Cocaine
Stuff ---------------> Narcotic
Stumblers ---------------> Barbiturate
Sugar ---------------> Narcotic
Sugar Cubes ---------------> Hallucinogen
Sunshine ---------------> Hallucinogen
Super Pot ---------------> Marijuana
Sweeties ---------------> Amphetamine
Sweet Jesus ---------------> Narcotic
Sweet Lucy ---------------> Marijuana
Swell Up ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Syndicate Acid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Synthetic ---------------> Crack Cocaine
"T" ---------------> Marijuana
Tabs ---------------> Hallucinogen
Talwin ---------------> Narcotic
Tea ---------------> Marijuana
Tecata ---------------> Narcotic
Teenager ---------------> Cocaine
Tens ---------------> Amphetamine
Teonanactl ---------------> Hallucinogen
Texas Tea ---------------> Marijuana
The Beast ---------------> Hallucinogen
The Chief ---------------> Hallucinogen
The Ghost ---------------> Hallucinogen
Thing ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
Thorazine ---------------> Barbiturate
Thrupence Bag ---------------> Marijuana
Thrusters ---------------> Amphetamine
Thumb ---------------> Marijuana
Ticket ---------------> Hallucinogen
Tiger Drug ---------------> Hallucinogen
TKO ---------------> Narcotic
T.M.A. ---------------> Hallucinogen
TNT ---------------> Narcotic
Tooies ---------------> Barbiturate
Toot ---------------> Cocaine
Topi ---------------> Hallucinogen
Tops ---------------> Narcotic
Triavil ---------------> Barbiturate
Trips ---------------> Hallucinogen
Troop ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Truck Drivers ---------------> Amphetamine
Tryptamine ---------------> Hallucinogen
Tuinal ---------------> Barbiturate
Tuiy ---------------> Barbiturate
Turtle ---------------> Hallucinogen
Tustin ---------------> Marijuana
Twenty ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Twenty-Five ---------------> Hallucinogen
Twenty Rock ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Twist ---------------> Marijuana
Ultimate ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Upper ---------------> Amphetamine
Uppie ---------------> Amphetamine
Ups ---------------> Amphetamine
U.S.P. ---------------> Amphetamine
Valium ---------------> Barbiturate
Veronal ---------------> Barbiturate
Wake Ups ---------------> Amphetamine
Water ---------------> Amphetamine, Phencyclidine
Wedge ---------------> Hallucinogen
Weed ---------------> Marijuana
West Coast Turnarounds ---------------> Amphetamine
Wheat ---------------> Marijuana
Wheels ---------------> Amphetamine
Whiffledust ---------------> Amphetamine
Whipcrackers ---------------> Narcotic
White Ball ---------------> Crack Cocaine
White Ghost ---------------> Crack Cocaine
White Junk ---------------> Narcotic
White Lady ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
White Lightening ---------------> Hallucinogen
White Stuff ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
Whites ---------------> Amphetamine
Whiz Bang ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
Wild Geronimo ---------------> Barbiturate
Window Pane ---------------> Hallucinogen
Woodstock ---------------> Hallucinogen
Yale ---------------> Cocaine
Yayoo ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Yeah-O ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Yellow Dimples ---------------> Hallucinogen
Yellow Dolls ---------------> Barbiturate
Yellow Glass ---------------> Amphetamine
Yellow Jackets ---------------> Barbiturate
Yellows ---------------> Barbiturate
Yeo ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Yesca ---------------> Marijuana
Yimyom ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Z.N.A. ---------------> Hallucinogen
Slang Term ---------------> Drug Classification
---------- -------------------
1/8th ---------------> Crack Cocaine
151's ---------------> Crack Cocaine
501's ---------------> Crack Cocaine
51's ---------------> Crack Cocaine
"A" ---------------> Amphetamine
A-Bomb ---------------> Marijuana, Narcotic
A.M.T. ---------------> Hallucinogen
Abbot ---------------> Barbiturate
Acapulco Gold ---------------> Marijuana
Ace ---------------> Marijuana
Acid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Ack-Ack Gun ---------------> Narcotic
Adavans ---------------> Barbiturate
Adrenochrome ---------------> Hallucinogen
African Black ---------------> Marijuana
Agates ---------------> Barbiturate
Alice B. Toklas ---------------> Marijuana
Amoeba ---------------> Hallucinogen
Amyl Nitrate ---------------> Inhalant
Amytal ---------------> Barbiturate
Amytal Sodium ---------------> Barbiturate
Angel Dust ---------------> Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Phencyclidine
Apple Jacks ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Apples ---------------> Barbiturate
Ativan ---------------> Barbiturate
Ayahusca ---------------> Hallucinogen
B-Bombs ---------------> Amphetamine
Baby ---------------> Marijuana
Baby T ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Bad ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Bad Seed ---------------> Hallucinogen
Bale ---------------> Marijuana
Bam ---------------> Amphetamine
Bank Bandit Pills ---------------> Barbiturate
Bar ---------------> Marijuana
Barbs ---------------> Barbiturate
Bazooka ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Beam Me Up ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Beans ---------------> Amphetamine
Beemers ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Bennies ---------------> Amphetamine
Bens ---------------> Amphetamine
Benz ---------------> Amphetamine
Benzedrine ---------------> Amphetamine
Bernice Gold Dust ---------------> Cocaine
Bernies ---------------> Cocaine
Bhang ---------------> Marijuana
Big "C" ---------------> Cocaine
Big Chief ---------------> Hallucinogen
Big "D" ---------------> Hallucinogen
Big "H" ---------------> Narcotic
Bill Blass ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Bings ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Biphetamine ---------------> Amphetamine
Black Beauties ---------------> Amphetamine
Black Bombers ---------------> Amphetamine
Black Gunion ---------------> Marijuana
Black Mollies ---------------> Amphetamine
Black Pussy ---------------> Narcotic
Blacks ---------------> Amphetamine
Blockbusters ---------------> Barbiturate
Blotters ---------------> Hallucinogen
Blow ---------------> Cocaine
Blowout ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Blue Angels ---------------> Barbiturate
Blue Birds ---------------> Barbiturate
Blue Bullets ---------------> Barbiturate
Blue Cheer ---------------> Hallucinogen
Blue Devils ---------------> Barbiturate
Blue Dolls ---------------> Barbiturate
Blue Heavens ---------------> Barbiturate
Blue Morning Glory ---------------> Hallucinogen
Blue Sky ---------------> Hallucinogen
Blue Tab ---------------> Hallucinogen
Blue Wedge ---------------> Hallucinogen
Blues ---------------> Barbiturate
Bobo ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Bomb ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Bomb Down ---------------> Narcotic
Bombido ---------------> Amphetamine
Bombita ---------------> Amphetamine
Bones ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Boo ---------------> Marijuana
Botray ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Boubou ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Boulder ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Boy ---------------> Narcotic
Brick ---------------> Crack Cocaine, Marijuana
Bubble Gum ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Buds ---------------> Marijuana
Bufotenine ---------------> Hallucinogen
Bullion ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Bump ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Burn One ---------------> Marijuana
Bush ---------------> Marijuana
Butt Darts ---------------> Narcotic
Buttons ---------------> Hallucinogen
C ---------------> Cocaine
C & H ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
C-Game ---------------> Cocaine
C.S. ---------------> Marijuana
Caballo ---------------> Narcotic
Cactus ---------------> Hallucinogen
Cadillac ---------------> Cocaine
Caine ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Can ---------------> Marijuana
Canadian Black ---------------> Marijuana
Candy ---------------> Barbiturate
Cannabis ---------------> Marijuana
Carbonas ---------------> Inhalant
Carga ---------------> Narcotic
Cartwheels ---------------> Amphetamine
Caviar ---------------> Hallucinogen
Chalk ---------------> Amphetamine
Charge ---------------> Marijuana
Charlie ---------------> Cocaine
Cheeba ---------------> Marijuana
Chemical ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Cherry Dome ---------------> Hallucinogen
China White ---------------> Narcotic
Chiva ---------------> Narcotic
Chloral Hydrate ---------------> Barbiturate
Choe ---------------> Cocaine
Christmas Acid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Christmas Trees ---------------> Amphetamine
Chronic ---------------> Marijuana
Chrystal Methadrine ---------------> Amphetamine
Chunk ---------------> Amphetamine
Cloud ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Cloud Nine ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Co-Pilots ---------------> Amphetamine
Coca ---------------> Cocaine
Cocktail ---------------> Marijuana
Cocopuff ---------------> Cigarette dipped in LSD or Cocaine
Codeine ---------------> Narcotic
Coke ---------------> Crack Cocaine, Cocaine
Comeback ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Corine ---------------> Cocaine
Courage Pills ---------------> Barbiturate
Crackers ---------------> Hallucinogen
Crank ---------------> Amphetamine, Crack Cocaine
Crossroads ---------------> Amphetamine
Crosstops ---------------> Amphetamine
Cube ---------------> Hallucinogen
Dagga ---------------> Marijuana
Dalmane ---------------> Barbiturate
Darvocet ---------------> Narcotic
Darvon ---------------> Narcotic
Datura ---------------> Hallucinogen
Dawamesk ---------------> Marijuana
Debs ---------------> Amphetamine
Deeda ---------------> Hallucinogen
Demerol ---------------> Narcotic
Desbutal ---------------> Amphetamine, Barbiturate
Desoxyn ---------------> Amphetamine
D.E.T. ---------------> Hallucinogen
Dex ---------------> Amphetamine
Dexedrine ---------------> Amphetamine
Dexies ---------------> Amphetamine
Diamonds ---------------> Amphetamine
Dice ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Dilaudid ---------------> Narcotic
Dillies ---------------> Narcotic
Dime ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Dime Special ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Disco Biscuit ---------------> Barbiturate
D.M.T. ---------------> Hallucinogen
D.M.Z. ---------------> Hallucinogen
Dogie ---------------> Narcotic
Dolls ---------------> Amphetamine, Barbiturate
Dolophine ---------------> Narcotic
D.O.M. ---------------> Hallucinogen
Dome ---------------> Hallucinogen
Doobee ---------------> Marijuana
Doojee ---------------> Narcotic
Doojie ---------------> Narcotic
Dope ---------------> Narcotic, Marijuana
Doriden ---------------> Barbiturate
Doses ---------------> Hallucinogen
Double Dimples ---------------> Hallucinogen
Double Trouble ---------------> Barbiturate
Downers ---------------> Barbiturate
Downs ---------------> Barbiturate
Drivers ---------------> Amphetamine
Dube ---------------> Marijuana
Duby ---------------> Marijuana
Duji ---------------> Narcotic
Dust ---------------> Cocaine
Dynamite ---------------> Narcotic
Dyno ---------------> Narcotic
Eightball ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Eighth ---------------> Narcotic
Elavil ---------------> Barbiturate
Electric Kool-Aid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Equenil ---------------> Barbiturate
Eye Opener ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Famous Dimes ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Fastin ---------------> Amphetamine
Fat Bags ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Fatty ---------------> Marijuana
Feldine ---------------> Barbiturate
Finger Lid ---------------> Marijuana
Flake ---------------> Cocaine
Flower Tops ---------------> Marijuana
Flying Saucers ---------------> Hallucinogen
Footballs ---------------> Barbiturate
Forwards ---------------> Amphetamine
Freeze ---------------> Cocaine
Frisco Speedball ---------------> Narcotic
Fry ---------------> Hallucinogen
Fuma d'Angola ---------------> Marijuana
Gage ---------------> Marijuana
Gaggler ---------------> Amphetamine
Gammon ---------------> Hallucinogen
Ganga ---------------> Marijuana
Gangster ---------------> Marijuana
Gangster Pills ---------------> Barbiturate
Gel ---------------> Hallucinogen
Giggle Weed ---------------> Marijuana
Girl ---------------> Crack Cocaine, Narcotic
Go ---------------> Amphetamine
Goblet of Jam ---------------> Marijuana
Gold ---------------> Marijuana
Gold Star ---------------> Marijuana
Golden ---------------> Marijuana
Golf Ball ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Gonj ---------------> Marijuana
Good News ---------------> Narcotic
Goody-Goody ---------------> Marijuana
Goof Butt ---------------> Marijuana
Goofball ---------------> Amphetamine, Barbiturate
Gootchi ---------------> Narcotic
Gorilla Pills ---------------> Barbiturate
Gram ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Grape Parfait ---------------> Hallucinogen
Grass ---------------> Marijuana
Grasshopper ---------------> Marijuana
Gravy ---------------> Narcotic
Grays ---------------> Hallucinogen
Green ---------------> Marijuana
Green Barrels ---------------> Hallucinogen
Green Buds ---------------> Marijuana
Greenies ---------------> Amphetamine, Barbiturate
Grefa ---------------> Marijuana
Greta ---------------> Marijuana
Griefo ---------------> Marijuana
Griefs ---------------> Marijuana
Grifa ---------------> Marijuana
Griffo ---------------> Marijuana
Groceries ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Gunga ---------------> Marijuana
Gungeon ---------------> Marijuana
Gunja ---------------> Marijuana
"H" ---------------> Narcotic
Haircut ---------------> Marijuana
Hairy ---------------> Narcotic
Hamburger Helper ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Happy Dust ---------------> Cocaine
Harmine ---------------> Hallucinogen
Harry ---------------> Narcotic
Harsh ---------------> Marijuana
Hay ---------------> Marijuana
H-Caps ---------------> Narcotic
Hearts ---------------> Amphetamine
Heaven Dust ---------------> Cocaine
Heavenly Blue ---------------> Hallucinogen
Hemp ---------------> Marijuana
Henry ---------------> Narcotic
Her ---------------> Cocaine
Herb ---------------> Marijuana
Heroin ---------------> Narcotic
Him ---------------> Narcotic
Hit ---------------> Crack Cocaine, Hallucinogen
Hochs ---------------> Narcotic
Hog ---------------> Hallucinogen
Horse ---------------> Narcotic
Hotcakes ---------------> Crack Cocaine
How Do You Like Me? ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Hubba ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Hycodan ---------------> Barbiturate
Hycomine ---------------> Barbiturate
Hydro ---------------> Amphetamine
I Am Back ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Iboga ---------------> Amphetamine
Ice ---------------> Amphetamine
Idiot Pills ---------------> Barbiturate
Indian Hay ---------------> Marijuana
Indian Hemp ---------------> Marijuana
Instaga ---------------> Marijuana
Instagu ---------------> Marijuana
Issues ---------------> Crack Cocaine
IT-290 ---------------> Hallucinogen
Jackson Illusion ---------------> Hallucinogen
Jaws ---------------> Narcotic
Jay Smoke ---------------> Marijuana
Jelly ---------------> Cocaine
Jive ---------------> Marijuana, Narcotic
Jive Stick ---------------> Marijuana
Jolly Beans ---------------> Amphetamine
Jones ---------------> Narcotic
Joy Powder ---------------> Cocaine, Narcotic
Juanita ---------------> Marijuana
Juja ---------------> Marijuana
Junk ---------------> Narcotic
Kansas Grass ---------------> Marijuana
Kate Bush ---------------> Marijuana
Kee ---------------> Marijuana
Key ---------------> Marijuana
K.G.B. ---------------> Marijuana
Khat ---------------> Amphetamine
Ki ---------------> Marijuana
Kibbles & Bits ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Kick Sticks ---------------> Marijuana
Kif ---------------> Marijuana
Killer Green Bud ---------------> Marijuana
Killer Weed ---------------> Marijuana
Kilo ---------------> Marijuana
Kilter ---------------> Marijuana
King's Habit ---------------> Cocaine
King-Kong Pills ---------------> Barbiturate
Knock-out Drops ---------------> Barbiturate
Kokoma ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Kool Aid ---------------> Hallucinogen
"L" ---------------> Hallucinogen
Lady ---------------> Cocaine
Lady Snow ---------------> Cocaine
Late Night ---------------> Cocaine
Leaf ---------------> Cocaine
Leapers ---------------> Amphetamine
Lemonade ---------------> Narcotic
Librium ---------------> Barbiturate
Lid ---------------> Marijuana
Lid Poppers ---------------> Amphetamine
Light Stuff ---------------> Marijuana
Lithium ---------------> Barbiturate
Loaf ---------------> Marijuana
Lockeroom ---------------> Inhalant
Loco ---------------> Marijuana
Lophoporine ---------------> Hallucinogen
Love Drug ---------------> Hallucinogen
Loxitane ---------------> Barbiturate
LSD ---------------> Hallucinogen
L.S.D. 25 ---------------> Hallucinogen
L.S.M. ---------------> Hallucinogen
Lucy in the Sky ---------------> Hallucinogen
Luminal ---------------> Barbiturate
Lysergic Acid ---------------> Hallucinogen
Lysergide ---------------> Hallucinogen
"M" ---------------> Narcotic
M & C ---------------> Cocaine
M & M's ---------------> Barbiturate
Mace ---------------> Hallucinogen
Macon ---------------> Marijuana
Maconha ---------------> Marijuana
Magic Mushroom ---------------> Hallucinogen
MAO ---------------> Amphetamine
Mary Anne ---------------> Marijuana
Mary Jane ---------------> Marijuana
Mary Warner ---------------> Marijuana
Mary Wearver ---------------> Marijuana
Mary Worner ---------------> Marijuana
Maryjane ---------------> Crack Cocaine
Match box ---------------> Marijuana
M.D.A. ---------------> Hallucinogen
MDMA ---------------> Hallucinogen
Megahallucinogen ---------------> Hallucinogen
Melloril ---------------> Barbiturate
Memmies ---------------> Barbiturate
Merck ---------------> Cocaine
Mesc ---------------> Hallucinogen
Mescal ---------------> Hallucinogen
Mescaline ---------------> Hallucinogen
Methamphetamine ---------------> Amphetamine
Methedrine ---------------> Amphetamine
Mexican Brown ---------------> Marijuana, Narcotic
Mexican Green ---------------> Marijuana
Mexican Horse ---------------> Narcotic
Mexican Locoweed ---------------> Marijuana
Mexican Mushroom ---------------> Hallucinogen
Mezz ---------------> Marijuana
Mickey ---------------> Barbiturate
Mickey Finn ---------------> Barbiturate
Micro Dots ---------------> Hallucinogen
Mikes ---------------> Hallucinogen
Milk ---------------> Cocaine
Miltown ---------------> Barbiturate
Mind Detergent ---------------> Hallucinogen
Mini Beans ---------------> Amphetamine
M.J. ---------------> Marijuana
Mixed Jive ---------------> Crack Cocaine, Narcotic
Ecstasy, officially called MDMA, is commonly associated with rave parties,
and it is relatively inexpensive and accessible.
The drug, which reduces inhibitions, is also known as
Lover's Speed, Adam, Disco Biscuits and the Love Drug
when Marc B. did time in ohio, tobacco cigarettes were called squares
to evidently distinguish them from rounds or marijuana cigarettes. a carton of squares was a box. it was an accepted coin of the realm, the gold standard of prison monetary systems,
as it were. other commodities and services were termed in relation to squares or boxes.
this is in ohio, other prison systems may have a different viewpoint or valuation.
A "cocktail" is not usually used for just Marijuana, it's usually used for the name of Marijuana laced with something, either LSD, speed, or cocaine.
OR any combination of drugs like a speedball cocktail =Heroin and cocaine
"Dime" or "dime bag" are also terms for a bag of Marijuana.
"Gunga", "Gunja", and "Ganga" is usually spelled Ganja.
Another known word for Marijuana is "Shwag", it is really cheap Marijuana.
"Harsh" I think you ment Hash, but I'm not sure. Usually when a person says that Marijuana is "Harsh", it means that it makes you cough really bad.
When using the term "Hit" it can be used with any drug. It usually means a drag of anything.
The term "Leaf" isn't usually used for cocaine, it's usually used for Marijuana.
The term "Nuggets" is also used for a bud of Marijuana.
"Ounce" is also used for Marijuana.
"Pack a bowl" and "Smoke a bowl", you should really only use the words "A Bowl".
"Pin", should be "Pinner", it's a term used for a real thin joint.
"Purple Haze" is also a type of Marijuana.
"Maryjane" is not used for crack , cocaine, it's used for Marijuana.
Mary J. is also a known term for Marijuana.
"Shit" is a term used for any drug.
"Sweet Lucy" and "Super Pot", the terms just before Lucy and Pot is just describing how good the Marijuana is.
"Lucy" is usually used for Hallucinogens.
-Lady Darkness
Brick - fifty bags of heroin ( five "bundles" of ten bags each)
Diesel - heroin
Chronic - marijuana
Acid: Slang term for LSD, a potent hallucinogen.
Aliz�Z: Brand name of a bottled blend of passion fruit juice and cognac.
Blunt: Generally refers to a cheap cigar in which the tobacco has been removed and replaced with marijuana. Also called Swisher, sweets, and Swisher Sweets. Many slang terms refer to the brand names of cheap cigars, such as Swisher Sweet, King Edward, and Philly Blunt.
Candy Blunt: Marijuana blunt cigar laced with or dipped into codeine cough syrup.
Cisco: Fortified wine.
Copp: To get or obtain a psychoactive substance.
Cut: A verb meaning to combine one substance such as powdered milk, with another to dilute the essential substance, e.g., cocaine.
Fry House: A neighborhood house where individuals can buy drugs like fry. Some individuals hang around to smoke their purchase.
Fry: Generic term describing marijuana cigarettes, marijuana laced cigars, tobacco cigarettes, or tobacco cigars soaked in embalming fluid laced with PCP. Also called wack, amp, water-water, formaldehyde, wetdaddy, and drank.
Fry Stick: Marijuana cigarette or joint dipped in embalming fluid laced with PCP.
Fry Sweet: Marijuana-laced cigar dipped in embalming fluid laced with PCP.
Hoodlum: Another term for a gang member, or delinquent adolescent who affects gang dress or demeanor.
Illy: Marijuana cigarettes or "joints" soaked in embalming fluid laced with PCP. These slang terms are associated with the Connecticut epidemic where use peaked between 1993-1994. Other terms used in Connecticut were ill, wet, crazy eddie, purple rain, clickem, and milk.
Joint: Marijuana cigarette. Also called "squares."
PCP: Also known as phencyclidine, a dissociative anesthetic and potent hallucinogen.
Pot: Slang term for marijuana.
Primos: Marijuana joint or blunt plus crack or powder cocaine.
Roofies, Roches: Slang term for Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) a potent sedative or depressant that is ten times the strength Valium.
Special K: Slang term for Ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic and hallucinogen, very similar to PCP.
Thug Passion: Slang term for Alizz mixed with Hennessy cognac.
Trip or Tripping: Noun or verb denoting a state of intoxication.
Part One
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