Days of our lives Dreamtime Daily Journal 2003


All Photographs + Text Copyright 2025 Christopher Keeley



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I wanted to send along a snippet of my dream journal from this morning. I received your image of the Irish woman, Liz, right after I typed in this dream. It begins:
.. I find myself at a spiritual commune of an ancient and common kind - on a country estate. It's run on a shoestring budget but theres also a sumptuousness about it.
The land is very lush & sunny; the commune is lodged in a big old house. The point seems to be servitude and humiliation or discipline.
The avatar - the goddess - the head of the commune whom all must obey -is a young woman,
slight, very white skin, very long red hair - small, clear, light blue eyes, sharp nose, round face - she is wearing a green shift dress with long sleeves - pretty in a Celtic Irish way - she is very personally dynamic and powerful --

The story went on to a personal rebellion, but .. in the course of a dream I was doing dishes for the commune & dropped a spoon. In the Southern Italian system of divination I'm familiar with, dropping a spoon indicates a female visitor. And presto, I received your photo! :)

Thanks again. Hope you're well. Winter is leaving us very slowly here -- my water line still hasn't thawed, & there are still patches of snow here & there on the north slopes.

In peace, L















have resurrected from family archives, taken about 1925 when my
grandfather was the American Consul in Damascus and my grandmother was trying to establish a career as a photo-journalist, and together they visited the Djebel Druze in Syria, at the time of the Druze rebellion against the
French mandate authorities. For their initiative my father was declared the equivalent of persona non grata and subsequently forced by the French (with the acquiescence of the State Department) to be transferred
to Beirut, where they could keep an eye on him. Of course when he returned to Damascus as the American Minister in 1948 he was greeted as
a hero of Arab nationalism, rather than as an eager beaver Foreign Service reporter, which is what he was in 1925.
Click on each small photo to enlarge it, once you go to the site.






























A:�While listening to the Grateful Dead while in your cubicle at work puts in some kind of trance that you can not explain,
you will find while listening to the Grateful Dead while working,
you do more work because your brain is in such a deep trance (No I am not Stoned)
that you are only concentrating on the one thing that you are doing.
Q:�Why Listen to the Grateful Dead at night while you are relaxing?
A:�Becuase after your hard day doing so much work while listening to the Grateful Dead,
you just want to relax, and appreciate the Grateful Dead that much more..




















































































































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