The Recovery Revolution



Chris Keeley Washington DC




















Addict Out of the Dark and into the Light


Hardback ISBN: 1-4257-7889-5

Hardback ISBN 13: 978-1-4257-7889-7

Picture Book - Softcover

Picture Book - Hardcover 

Addict Out of the Dark and into the Light.




Click here to view an excerpt from the book.












Helpline for Orthodox Jews who think they may have an addiction problem:


























five early symptoms that indicate a drinker already is an alcohol abuser or is at risk:

1. Repeatedly drinking more than self-set limits.

2. Having a persistent desire to quit or cut down.

3. Drinking and driving.

4. Spending too much time drinking.

5. Having hangovers or a sleep disorder.





























































Hey Wonderful Person, be Happy Joyous and Free.
If you are an addict ?
You Don't need (have) to S M O K E anything , EAT healthy ,
Don't DRINK any Methadone , Moonshine
or SWALLOW any PROZAC, Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor, (ANTI-depressant) tablets,
SSRI (Selective Serrotonin Reuptake Inhibitors),
Luvox (OCD),
HUFF Anything, Take X
or use any of the new drugs that are being invented everyday,( Anti-Anxiety Drugs,
Anti-Psychotic Drugs, Anti-depressant Drugs, Mood Stabilizing Drugs).
The PDR keeps getting fatter each year,
the answer is
Spiritual not Chemical

TRY GOD (SPIRIT) instead
stay clean and find a new way to live ,
there is hope for any addict.
You are no different,
we can survive our emotions clean together and grow. TRY clean first.
The chances are you are the problem and and total abstinence is the cure. Changes will happen overnight.
Once you are clean and you still can't face life without drugs, then any psychiatrist can load you up with the latest chemical and the viscious cycle will progress to misery, degradation, dereliction, jails , institutions and death. If you keep doing what you are doing, you'll keep getting what you are getting. Help is a call away. (202) 299-4919 . The Last time miracle growth occured on any of these pages was around 3.15.2010
Have a great Day!

And remember God (SPIRIT) Loves You

Photographic Memories - Arts - Washington City Paper

Kleen Rave

Kleen Dance
































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Narcotics Anonymous Recovery
Chris Keeley's Social Documentary Photography
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Blinded by Science
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Out of the Dark

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