Wild Duck

I am walking along the pine grove path beside the stream to sit at a bend above the stream where the rushing noise of the Neversink River is so loud and soothing. While walking I startle a wild duck that's sitting in the stream, possibly looking for brook or brown trout. This duck flies away squawking downstream. I encounter this duck or possibly its mate at least three times while walking back. The duck must have made our stream its home, as it's probably never been disturbed before, because rarely does any human life venture on the stream. It's wild and wonderful.
I am thinking how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful place to visit, and how this duck may not survive if it keeps flying downstream to where other homes and people are. These ducks may be extinct one day because of all the happy hunters and the firearms that people have. No consideration given to God's natural beauty. I then thought how outrageous it is that our Vice President unelected Cheney and the Supreme Court Justice Scalia shot all those ducks on their week of hunting. Hundreds of poor innocent ducks. I know the beautiful creature; the duck on our stream is endangered and magnificent.
I noticed baby trout swimming in pools made by the mountain spring, and wondered how they would survive being trapped away from the main stream. I noticed some salamanders burying themselves in the mud. I came across a tiny toad that was completely camouflaged in the mud. It displayed no fear when I picked it up other than urinating on me. I thought about the Australian Aborigines who drink the sweat off a toad's back to hallucinate. I wondered if this urine would do something to me, like make me break out in a rash. I wanted to photograph the toad. This tiny brown toad had intricate wrinkles. He even had a beard that gave him some character. He made me laugh. I wanted to bring him home as a pet. I thought some bird might love to eat him. I put him back into a mud puddle.
A chipmunk got trapped in my parrot's acrylic transporter cage that was sitting on a picnic table. I have been feeding the chipmunks Merle the Cockatoo's parrot mix on the front steps. A large family of chipmunks live under the front porch and chirp happily with all of this newfound food that has been dispensed to them. I closed the transporter door, trapping the gleeful chipmunk that suddenly turned puzzled in panic. I thought, Wow, I could bring him home, not thinking that Merle will also need to inhabit the transporter cage. Then I thought I could feed him parrot food and water. I could use the parrot transporter cage as the chipmunk's cage. This was a bad and cruel idea, so I let the poor chipmunk go, after I got a good look at him.
This evening while walking to the kitchen I heard a thrashing and knocking noise on the front porch. I turned on the porch light to find Rocky Raccoon trapped inside Merle's traveling cage that was still sitting on the picnic table from this afternoon. I approached the cage, which had caught a parrot food munching raccoon, because the cage had fallen with the raccoon in it, and had lodged next to the railing, blocking the door. Thinking that I might get a nasty bite and rabies, I approached the magnificently masked and striped raccoon with the utmost caution. Carefully I freed the raccoon, and he fled off into the darkness. I was amazed at how easy it was to trap animals unintentionally with Merle the Cockatoo's clear acrylic traveling cage! I brought the cage indoors so that no more critters would venture in to eat Merle's dropped parrot food. When I was drinking Wild Duck, I wasn't able to see any wildlife, appreciate any wild life, and I became wild myself.

Chapters of the Paradise Life Book
Dada to the Bone
Stomach Pain Basilica
The Disappointment
Moment of Clarity
Roads Not Safe
All over the place
Harassed but not arrested
The Surgery Acute care Lumbar Hemi . Laminestomy
The Bear
The Horseshoe
Wild Duck
The Leica Mishap
The Wedding Present
Suspicious Activity
The Rolls Royce of Awareness.
A Pickle can't go back to being a Cucumber.
Awake and Alive
Nine High Schools Without a Diploma.
Turquoise Sports Car Totaled by a Telephone Pole
Whitepipes, Weed and the Wild Coast.
Going Ninety on Georgia Avenue.
Woke up in Swaziland instead of Switzerland.
Three Nasty Letters.
Three early traumatic events.
Madness in Rio
The Victoria Falls Fiasco.
Blueblood Reminiscences
My poisonous spider bite.
First Date with Valerie
Opium Dreams
The Fire
Anna's Overdose.
God is laughing at me.
David Lesh's death.
The Malawi Incident.
The Biggest Blow to my Ego.
Hardest Laugh
The Day I quit smoking for real.
Thanksgiving weekend 1974, my first Acid Trip.
Instances of Trouble Two
Instances of Trouble One
Ride the White Pony
Paradise Life
coincidences 1
coincidences 2
coincidences 3
coincidences 4
coincidences 5
coincidences 6
coincidences 7
coincidences 8
journal september 1995
Catskill Mountains Photographs - Trees - Spiritual gathering place cultivating a heightened awareness of the connectedness of, and spiritual essence in, all things. A Journey outside ordinary time and space into a parallel reality.

Social Documentary Digital Photographs Indigenous Encounter Divine Moment, Light and Sympony 2007

Social Documentary Digital Photographs Indigenous Encounter Divine Moment

Social Documentary Digital Photographs Indigenous Encounter Divine Light

Social Documentary Digital Photographs Indigenous Encounter Divine Symphony

Georgetown glimpses of memory January Photographs

March on the Capitol to demand that the United States end its war in Iraq Photographs 2007

Washington DC
March on the Capitol yesterday to demand that the United States end its war in Iraq Photographs 1

March on the Capitol yesterday to demand that the United States end its war in Iraq Photographs 2

March on the Capitol yesterday to demand that the United States end its war in Iraq Photographs 3

March on the Capitol yesterday to demand that the United States end its war in Iraq Photographs 4

March on the Capitol yesterday to demand that the United States end its war in Iraq Photographs 5

March on the Capitol yesterday to demand that the United States end its war in Iraq Photographs 6

Martin luther King Jr. Holiday Washington DC Photographs

Martin luther King Jr. Holiday Photographs Washington DC


Miami Florida
Maouri Mama

Sydney Australia
MiamiBeach Girl

Orlando Florida

Orlando Florida

Portland Oregon
Edward's Angelina
copyright 2007 Le Poulin
© Le Poulin 2007
New York City Angelina + Brad
peace and love Edward

New York City
Chris at the Argo Bar drinking a Tuborg soda water wearing a WaxTrax t-shirt circa 1991

Sifnos Island
Looking in the mirror - Sara cannot see herself as beautiful

Portland Oregon
Antoinette lost her leg while intoxicated stumbling and tragically falling down into traffic

New York City
Three days after a Suicide attempt

Portland Oregon
New Years Day Washington DC Photographs

New Year Day Street Washington DC Photographs

December 2006 Daily DreamTime links

November 2006 Daily DreamTime links

October 2006 Daily DreamTime links

Selection of Favorite Photographs

September 2006 Daily DreamTime links

Sifnos Island Photographs 2006

August Daily Dreamtime
Paradise Life Photographs - the book

July 2006 Daily DreamTime links

May 2006 Daily DreamTime links

February 2006 Daily DreamTime links

November + December 2005 Daily DreamTime links

September + October 2005 Daily DreamTime links

August 2005 Daily DreamTime links

July 2005 Daily DreamTime links

April 2005 Daily DreamTime links

December 2004 Daily DreamTime links

October 2004 Daily DreamTime links

August 2004 Daily DreamTime links

June 2004 Daily DreamTime links

April 2004 Daily DreamTime links

February 2004 Daily DreamTime links

January 2004 Daily DreamTime links

December 2003 Daily DreamTime links

November 2003 Daily DreamTime links

October 2003 Daily DreamTime links

September 2003 Daily DreamTime links

August 2003 Daily DreamTime links

July 2003 Daily DreamTime links

June 2003 Daily DreamTime links

May 2003 Daily DreamTime links

April 2003 Daily DreamTime links

March 2003 Daily DreamTime links

February 2003 Daily DreamTime links

January 2003 Daily DreamTime links

December 2002 Daily DreamTime links

Novemeber 2002 Daily DreamTime links

Daily DreamTime

Daily DreamTime

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Addict Review
Sifnos Review
-- HON. TOM LANTOS ( November 02, 1990)
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